Friday 8 November 2013

Brand Identity and Brand Values

Brand Identity and Brand Values

Brand Identity

My magazine is going to be very simple/minimal so it is clear and bold yet it is going to be done in an effective way. The use of colour will be bold, bright but not  too much colour, I think this will give an strong look and help it stand out from others. The imagery style on the front cover will be simple background with possibly a mid/long shot of the model, this can then give the reader more information on style and content of the magazine. I think these elements will appeal to my target audience as I think the minimal effect will make it stand and attract audience to find out more from the limited content they can see.

Brand Values 

My magazine will represent exciting social activities as my target audience are readers that love going to festivals/clubs and are into that music type. My magazine will value you current and new music and I think this will interest the core reader as it is relevant to the likings. Also another value my magazine will focus on is style/fashion as there are a range in the target audience and if they see style they like, they are more likely to engage more with the magazine.

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