My magazine readers are a mixture of both male and female readers, the
age range of my readers is 16-25, an ideal reader would fit into the JICNAR
scale C2DE which is generally students. A
stereotypical audience member for my magazine would be interested in fashion and
have a sense of style that created an impression of their specific taste. A
typical reader on ‘Noise’ would shopfor clothes at place such as
Topshop/Topman, American Apparel, River Island, as these shops have a broad
range of styles to pick from and clothes for different occasions. The type of
house my reader would live in would mostly likely be student accomadation or
house. In life ‘Noise’ readers look forward events such as festivals and
gigs/concerts and having fun with the friends a clubs and pubs where they can
socialise if they are old enough. A typical reader would spend their money on
going out with friends and clothes and accessories for their own style. They
would aspire to drive in order to go road trips and away with friends and most
likely own an iphone. There are a range of ways people
listen to music, spotify and itunes are a good places to store and create
playlists to a certain taste, however soundcloud is used to find remixes and to
listen to different versions.
I have interviewed two readers of ‘Noise’ and recorded them telling me
their opinions. I asked them:
What do you think
of the music magazine?Would
you buy it? What do you think the strengths are or the
areas for development?
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